Customization: 1) At the beginning of the script from step 6, we have this section:

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Easy Peasy Four (Carrot, Sweet potato, Apple and Broccoli)

Easy Peasy FOUR

Guys, “How are you all doing?” I am doing good and completely busy with my two babies. Since my baby is almost 1 year old, I am thinking to restart my food blogging since I can find a little bit of space in my brain to think about something else which I like a lot, that is Blogging!

So, Welcome back you all! My little one started baby food while she was 6 months old. Yes, just like my son I started with pureed avocado and she totally rejected it 😒. No wonder, she got a flavorful taste bud I guess. So, I started my experiments on different combinations of fruits and veggies and she liked some of them. I captured almost all my recipe preparations since I really wanted to share all of them with you guys. I hope it will help you all Mommies and Daddies while you are struggling to satisfy little mouth.

I am thinking to make a series of 4 Food puree (Easy Peasy Four) recipe. I have a baby food maker which I can use for steaming and pureeing as well. So, let us start with my first attempt.

Easy Peasy Four (Carrot, Sweet potato, Apple and Broccoli). You should watch your baby while introducing broccoli since it could upset baby’s little tummy. My little one had gas while she had broccoli for the first time. It will be OK, if your baby is not showing any kind of allergic problems. So, let us start

Ingredients (Everything organic except sweet potato)

Carrot- (4-5 Baby carrots)
Sweet potato- Half of a medium size.
Apple- 1, medium size
Broccoli-1, medium head, cut into florets

Step 1: Wash all ingredients thoroughly with cold water.

Step 2: Cut and chop all ingredients into medium size.

Step 3: Steam all ingredients. In my baby food maker, I added sweet potato and carrot at first into the steaming basket since it needs little more time to cook, and allowed them to steam for about 5 minutes and then added apple and broccoli and gave 7 more minutes to cook everything. Totally it took 12 minutes to steam all ingredients.

Step 4: Blend all ingredients together by adding little bit of liquid which came from the ingredients while steaming. I made a medium thick baby food since my baby likes it that way. You can add more liquid if your baby likes that way.

Serve while warm. Enjoy!


Chopped carrot and sweet potato

Chopped apple and broccoli

Steamed ingredients


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